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How to create an aggregate subject?
1. self-representation (Pettit, 2014; done earlier)
‘The key difference between the two kinds of intention is not a property of the intentions themselves, but of the modes of reasoning by which they are formed.
Thus, an analysis which starts with the intention has already missed what is distinctively collective about it’
‘collective intentions are the product of a distinctive mode of practical reasoning, team reasoning, in which agency is attributed to groups.’
Gold and Sugden (2006)
‘somebody team reasons if she works out the best possible feasible combination of actions for all the members of her team, then does her part in it.’
Bacharach (2006, p. 121)
1. What is team reasoning?
2. In what sense does team reasoning give rise to aggregate agents?
3. How might team reasoning be used in constructing a theory of shared agency?